Using the application

agoras publish

This command allows you to publish a post in different social network.:

$ agoras publish --help
usage: agoras publish [options]

General Options:
  -V, --version         Print version and exit.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

Publish Options:
  -l <level>, --loglevel <level>
                        Logger verbosity level (default: INFO). Must be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL.
  -n <social network>, --network <social network>
                        Social network to use for publishing (default: ""). Must be one of: twitter, facebook, instagram or linkedin.
  -a <action>, --action <action>
                        Action to execute (default: ""). Must be one of: like, share, last-from-feed, random-from-feed, schedule, post, delete
  -tk <consumer key>, --twitter-consumer-key <consumer key>
                        Twitter consumer key from twitter developer app.
  -ts <consumer secret>, --twitter-consumer-secret <consumer secret>
                        Twitter consumer secret from twitter developer app.
  -tot <oauth token>, --twitter-oauth-token <oauth token>
                        Twitter OAuth token from twitter developer app.
  -tos <oauth secret>, --twitter-oauth-secret <oauth secret>
                        Twitter OAuth secret from twitter developer app.
  -ti <id>, --tweet-id <id>
                        Twitter post ID to like, retweet or delete.
  -ft <access token>, --facebook-access-token <access token>
                        Facebook access token from facebook app.
  -fo <id>, --facebook-object-id <id>
                        Facebook ID of object where the post is going to be published.
  -fp <id>, --facebook-post-id <id>
                        Facebook ID of post to be liked, shared or deleted.
  -fr <id>, --facebook-profile-id <id>
                        Facebook ID of profile where a post will be shared.
  -it <access token>, --instagram-access-token <access token>
                        Facebook access token from facebook app.
  -io <id>, --instagram-object-id <id>
                        Instagram ID of profile where the post is going to be published.
  -ip <id>, --instagram-post-id <id>
                        Instagram ID of post to be liked, shared or deleted.
  -lw <access token>, --linkedin-access-token <access token>
                        Your LinkedIn access token.
  -lp <id>, --linkedin-post-id <id>
                        LinkedIn post ID to like, retweet or delete.
  -st <text>, --status-text <text>
                        Text to be published.
  -sl <link>, --status-link <link>
                        Link to be published.
  -i1 <image url>, --status-image-url-1 <image url>
                        First image URL to be published.
  -i2 <image url>, --status-image-url-2 <image url>
                        Second image URL to be published.
  -i3 <image url>, --status-image-url-3 <image url>
                        Third image URL to be published.
  -i4 <image url>, --status-image-url-4 <image url>
                        Fourth image URL to be published.
  -fu <feed url>, --feed-url <feed url>
                        URL of public Atom feed to be parsed.
  -mc <number>, --max-count <number>
                        Max number of new posts to be published at once.
  -pl <seconds>, --post-lookback <seconds>
                        Only allow posts published
  -ma <days>, --max-post-age <days>
                        Dont allow publishing of posts older than this number of days.
  -ge <email>, --google-sheets-client-email <email>
                        A google console project client email corresponding to the private key.
  -gk <private key>, --google-sheets-private-key <private key>
                        A google console project private key.
  -gi <id>, --google-sheets-id <id>
                        The google sheets ID to read schedule entries.
  -gn <name>, --google-sheets-name <name>
                        The name of the sheet where the schedule is.

Examples of usage
